
Ben Morgan-Cleveland & Eli Ping
September 16 - November 4, 2018
138 Eldridge Street, New York, NY 10002


The Universe can function in one of two ways: homogenous or isotropic, meaning, it’s either constant in all directions or, though it may seem rigid, there is actually a favored direction buried deep in its fissures. One such fissure is The Cold Spot.

The Cold Spot is an unusually cold region in the radiation that has drifted in the Universe since the Big Bang. Cosmologists propose that this is a massive Supervoid where 10,000 galaxies are missing, and yet, it is labelled the largest structure in the Universe.

The Supervoid isn’t an empty hole, it’s more like a patch. It sucks energy from light that slows down as it passes through. Cosmology theory suggests it’s where collisions with other Universes occur, as does gravitational waves which are ripples in space and time.

Over time, the void becomes relatively shallower – but this is all just theory.

- Ebony L. Haynes

Ben Morgan-Cleveland will perform Puppet’s Shows on October 11 & November 4, 7 - 9pm
Performed 3 times at the start of each hour